Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Online news in the History Class

I was never that big into reading the news in high school but i really got into it in college.  Online news is a great way for students to keep updated about current events and learn some of the important occurrence going on in today's society.  One of the standards for social studies regards active citizenship.  Active citizenship involves students being updated on current events and approaching the topics in class.  One idea I had would be having one day of the week be devoted to current events in relation to the past.  We could have a weekly current event project that involves students looking up a current topic and discussing it in class and hand in a one page write about it.  Current events force students to be aware of what’s going on in society.  They will have to form an opinion about the event and interpret its consequences.  This also reinforces a teacher i once shadowed idea that "History is all around us.  We just need to open our eyes".  I believe that using online news in and reinforcing it outside the classroom will inspire students to be updated about the situation in the world.   There have been a lot of radical changes in the world these past few years.  If we don’t open our eyes and learn about them, we may never know. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Interactivity #5

It was my pleasure to interview Mrs. Doe, a 9th grade social studies teacher in the Montclair School District.  During the interview, Mrs. Smith told me of her familiarity with both the NETS-S and T standards.  Mrs. Smith is quite knowledgeable with the newest technology standards for education and has often integrated them in her classroom.  Mrs. Doe is often referred to as the “go to” person for technology in the classroom.  Her department relies on her to teach how to use the newest technologies in the classroom.  When asked about utilizing the standards in her classroom she responded by saying: “I have used many of the standards in my classroom but not all.  Many of the standards involve too much time and I have not been able to get to them just yet”.  Her honesty concerning her use of the standards reassured me how much she believes in the NETS-S.  She hopes to one day incorporate more the standards in her unit plans but as of now between all the extracurricular activities she runs and the modifications from the NCSS, NJCCCS and CCSS there is not time to fit all the standards from NETS.  The school has heard of NETS-S but it has not enforced the use of the technologies in all the classrooms.  The reason is mostly due to time constraints and improper technology use in the classroom.  Surprisingly most of the teachers in the school have not heard or wanted to use the NETS-S.  When asked why Mrs. Doe responded “most teachers are already overwhelmed trying to implement their individual content area’s standards.  Technology standards just add more work”.  She continued saying: “teachers do promote the use of technology in the classroom, but on their terms.  Its easier for them that way”. 
To be honest I was shocked that the school district heard of NETS-S and T standards.  Most school districts do not seem to care about adding them into the core curriculum.  These standards are seen as burdens and obligations rather than beneficial for the students.  I am not surprised because teachers have a lot on their plate.  Many of them have families, other obligations, after school activities and their own lesson plans to write.   It is very hard for them to keep up with all the rapidly emerging changes in NETS.  As a future educator I would promote the use of NETS in the classroom because it is the future of how our students are going to learn.  Technologies are rapidly being creating and they are altering the way students learn.  We must adapt NETS standards in order to teach our students how to adapt to the new technologies and how to learn using them as resources.  We would be doing a huge disservice to our students if we didn’t implement them in our lesson and unit planning.   

For the Spreadsheet, please click the following link: Woodrow Wilson: Prophet of Peace

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Photo Story: A unique activity in the Social Studies Classroom

During my Social Studies Methods class, we were discussing the importance of implementing technology in the classroom setting to enhance a student's comprehension of the material.  Our professor introduced us to photostory 3 a older program that enables students to be the historian in the classroom and document important features about a particular topic.  In order to practice using this program in the class, our professor made us make our documentary.  My partner and I decided to do Leonardo DaVinci.  While trying to utilize the best italian accents we could muster, we were able to finish the project and perform our documentary.  The program has a voice reader that enables its user to record their voice over an image.  The presenter must select an image of relevance and then narrate as the picture is being moved.  The program is incredibly user friendly and can reap much reward for social studies majors.  I believe this program can be a very fun activity for students to engage in because it breaks the monotony of daily lectures and allows the student to be the teacher.  The students can also be creative: adding different voices (ex. british professor, italian archeologist etc) and add outside persons to contribute.  Overall i would recommend all social studies majors to download this program because it is a can provide a very fun experience for our students.  

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Scanners and digital filing

One of the most unique technologies of our time, the scanner has often not been talked about in the educational world. The scanner enables the teacher to take a students and keep a digital record of their work! Lets think of the amazing possibilities.  Number One: Scanners help students be accountable.  If a teacher has a digital file of the students work, the student can no longer lie about handing in their assignment.  Also if the students lose their completed work, the teacher can send them their work electronically and deduct points from their assignment for missing work.  Modern scanners are lighter, smaller and take up less space in the classroom which makes it a valuable resource in education.  I personally do not have a scanner (yet) but i have used one several times and have seen what wonders it could do.  I am more organized and can access documents fairly easily.  If i was a school superintendent and my district had the funds, i would attempt to bring scanners in every classroom.  They are becoming fairly inexpensive and they use is valuable.  I believe its time teachers start seeing the value in these items and think about how they can make it possible to bring this great piece of technology in the classroom. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dead Technology in the classroom

We are all aware that certain technologies can no longer find place in the classroom.  In my Reading 411 class, we discussed certain dying technologies that have been erased out of existence.  Lets think about it.  When we were in school, teachers were required to rent a television from the school in order to show a movie in class.  The shortages of televisions made it very hard for teachers to present media clips in their classroom and incorporate different types of media in the classroom environment. Nowadays, most schools are investing in some type of smart-board to place in each classroom.  the smartboard and projector system enables the teachers to present power-points, do activities and show movies all in one system.  

The Smart board system makes the television and chalkboard completely irrelevant which when i was little were the technologies of the day.  Also, overhead projectors that are used in math classrooms frequently are not used that often in other subjects due to the smart board.  Thankfully, slide projectors from the 1970s are no longer being used.  In elementary school, whether I was in library, English or social studies those old slide projectors would be utilized and i would be bored to death.  These technologies, among many others are naturally dying off due to the technological evolution process.  While they were good in their day, they are being replaced by better more efficient technology that will benefit students. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Videos in the Classroom....."the Dos and Do Nots"

Since i began my fieldwork assignment, i have been trying to place myself in my students shoes.  I have been reflecting on my high school experience and remembered how excited i was when teachers put on videos for the duration of the classroom.  Now most of the time i wasn't excited about the video but the "free class" that came with it.   Videos to me were opportunities for slacking and learning nothing.  Sadly, Social Studies teachers were worse case offenders of poor video use.  As i was writing lesson plans i immediately found myself searching for videos to put on my plans to make my plans look better.  I totally overlooked the purpose of videos in the classroom.  So the question is: What is the purpose of video usage in the classroom? And how do we as future educators use them properly. 

From a social studies perspective, i believe that videos and movies enable students to create a visual representation of what they are learning.  Videos are meant to SUPPORT learning and not specifically TEACH students.  While most videos do end up teaching to some extent, the primary job of the video is to reinforce knowledge and not create it.  The reason i believe this is because most students don't remember much from watching documentaries.  Students are able to remember more however, if they draw their background knowledge established by the teacher and utilize it in the classroom.  Do Not expect videos to teach students.  It is our job as the students to teach our students. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Interactivity #4 Woodrow Wilson Prophet of Peace

Woodrow Wilson; Prophet of Peace
Wilson Prophet of Peace Lesson Plan
Wilson/ Prophet of Peace spreadsheet
Interactivity four provided a unique opportunity for me to critique another author's lesson plan while adding some of my own creativity.  I really enjoyed the author of Woodrow Wilson, prophet of Peace's lesson plan.  The plan was informative, student centered and creative.  The one missing component to the lesson plan was its inclusion of technology.  Very little technology was incorporated into the lesson.  That in my opinion does it disservice.  The reason i feel this way is because utilizing online databases and the internet can help further students’ knowledge of Wilson's ideas and help create a broader picture of the world in which he was president.
The use of technology could also help students’ bridge the gap between background knowledge and new knowledge.  In our day and age, the internet provides nearly all students information.  Not enabling or expecting students to utilize the web does not only inhibit them from a total learning experience but also contradicts the world in which we live in.  Overall, the creativity that the author put into this lesson plan demonstrates that he or she was able reach students at a deeper cognitive level.  I will utilize many of the same strategies they used in my classroom I because feel they are both fun and effective.  Thankfully, teachers like the author of Wilson, prophet of peace keep seeking new ways to inspire students to deepen their knowledge and broaden their horizons. 

The smartphone.....The Ultimate Distractor for teachers ?

Last April I upgraded to an i-phone.  All of my friends had I-Phones and they raved about the amount of applications and functions the phone came with.  When i first purchased it, i was a little confused about how to use.  Not because i didn't know how to use apple products but because i was so used to the blackberry. The I-phone radically changed my attention in the classroom.  I realized that my attention was away from meetings, classes and presentations and family occasions.  When i go out i realize how many people are not interacting with their friends but are surfing the web, or looking at apps on their phones. 

What obstacles does this mean for teachers in the classroom?  Well unfortunately, smartphones have become an ultimate distraction of students in school.  Teachers become frustrated trying to deal with their students paying little attention on their school work and placing all their focus on their devices. In order to prevent this type of problem from occurring, teachers must set a firm rule about cell phones in the classroom.  For example, s cell phone policy must be listed in the syllabus.  Without a policy students will take advantage of the teacher because he or she did not explicitly mention it in the beginning of the school year. Afterward, the teacher will be forced to either take away the phone any other measures to prevent it from occurring in the class.

The Laptop....a Dying technology in education?

The Laptop is one of the most revolutionary pieces of technology in the educational world.  But is it a dying device?  With the creation of the I-Pad more users like the user friendliness and size of the new apple technology.  Apple has literally altered how schools utilize technology in the classroom.  New apple products such as the I-Pad have changed how teachers present information and how students learn.  For example:  Nutley high school has purchased new I-Pads for physical education instructors to take attendence.  While seemingly unnecessary, phys.ed as well as other subjects can greatly benefit from this purchase. Other schools are purchasing I-Pads for their english classes.  English classes have found ways to save space from books and download books onto the I-Pad. 

So what does this all mean for laptop users?  This means that the laptop will unfortunately be obsolete technology in the next six years (my prediction).  The I-Pads are revolutionizing the way people are learning.  In READ 411, we discussed how the I_Pad's features are revolutionize the way students are comprehending vocab and key concepts.  Sadly, the technology we all know and love will eventually be changed.  It is our job as future educators to pave the way for students to recieve the optimal learning experience. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Can teachers keep up with technology?

 When I was a senior in high school, the coolest device a student could have was a sidekick.  The sidekick was revolutionary because it allowed the user so many unique opportunities to communicate with friends and surf the internet.  Anybody who was anybody had a sidekick.   Not even a year later the sidekick was considered a dying technology replaced by more affordable blackberries and eventually iphones. 

  Technology has been replaced by newer technologies too frequently in our culture.  Humanity is having a hard time keeping up with the newest devices economically and intellectually.  In education the same trend is occurring.  Teachers are required to integrate technology in the classroom because it enhances the students learning experience.  But the problem is can teachers keep up with the new advances in technology?  Thus far, from my experience I have seen a lot of teachers who keep up with technology fairly well but it still pains me to see how many teachers are falling behind in the great technological era we live in.  Economically, trying to purchase the newest devices is a huge burden.  '

 In 2006, i made a conscious effort to stop playing video games mainly because it was so time consuming.  Because of that decision i have no clue what consoles are popular and how games have changed.   My cousins seem to be getting new consoles every holiday in the year which surprises and depresses me.  Has technology become too much for humanity to handle?

 Today's teachers must teach the technologically geared students of this generation.  How does an english teacher expect a child to read To Kill a Mockingbird, when the answers are on sparknotes or wikipedia? What changes must teachers make in order to adapt to this technological world?

 A few suggestions:

1. Keep updated about new technology even if you never use it or want to use it
2. Study your students and the technology they utilize.  This will help get to know your students better and technology.
3. Purchase technology that will ONLY benefit the class and your teaching
4.  Utilize user friendly free resources on the web (youtube, brainpop etc)

This world is changing and we need good teachers who will be apart of that change.