Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Online resources that benefit the Social Studies Classroom

The internet has revolutionized the way people: communicate, find news, complete work and find information.  The internet has caused the digital age to flourish and as a result changed the way humanity functions. While the internet has caused many problems, it has provided many blessings for educators.  The internet provides many free resources for educators to utilize in the classroom.  For example: educators can utilize the "online stopwatch" tool that can be found simply by typing it into a google search.  The online watch does a countdown to which students can see how much time is left in the activity.  This allows students to realize the teacher is not simply trying to give the students enough time or they are robbing them of a couple of minutes and seconds.  Another online resource that can be helpful is  This site allows teachers to make sure their students are not copying any of their peers or online resources that are available to them.  It saves teachers painstaking amount of time to check their students papers word for word. Turn it also teaches student the meaning of academic honesty and accountability.  Students are meant to have their work be a product of their efforts and not merely a copy of someone else’s work.  Lastly the “hark a vagrant” comics page is a great tool to teach students history.  Kate Beaton is a history teacher who utilizes her artistic talents to make complex historical events into funny comics.  All these resources are great tools for the social studies teacher. 

1 comment:

  1. The Internet has definitely revolutionized MANY aspects of life, especially with accessibility to information. I saw people using the online stopwatch in READ 411 as well as CURR 314. I will probably use it too. I have never heard of but it seems like an interesting resource for teachers.
